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Stratford Oaks Golf Club Health & Safety for Players


Members of Stratford Oaks Golf Club, their guests and visitors all need to be aware of possible dangers whilst playing on the course or the driving range. The information in this document is to help highlight and encourage safety.

Please act responsibly at all times to ensure safety on the course. Players have a duty of care to behave in such a way that others are not injured by their actions.

They also have a duty of care to ensure that they do not injure themselves. All players play at their own risk and should do nothing to jeopardise the safety of themselves or others.

To help with the on-going review process of our safety procedures all members, guests and visitors are kindly requested to bring to the attention of the Club Manager any incidents that happen on the golf course, or hazards they feel have not been addressed.

Stratford Oaks Golf Club provides third party liability insurance to their members whilst on Club grounds. This insurance is also extended to green fee paying visitors.


First Aid Assistance: In the event of an accident, first aid boxes are located in reception, behind the bar, and in both greenkeeping workshops. There is also a defibrillator available in the changing room foyer.

If there is a serious accident phone the Emergency Services on 999 (the post code of the Club is CV37 0EZ). Please then call the Reception on 01789 731980.

Accident and Incident Reporting: All accidents must be reported to the Club Manager at the main reception for entry into the Accident or Incident Book.

SAFETY ON THE COURSE AND SHORT GAME PRACTICE AREA (together referred to as “the course”)

To help minimise the risks from the hazards that have been identified it is your responsibility as a golfer, caddie or spectator on the course to ensure you adhere strictly to the following:

Players must be alert to their actions and the actions of their playing partners that may cause danger to themselves, their partners and other persons in the vicinity of their swing and hitting range.

You must exercise caution at all times on the course in respect of identifying areas where you may be at potential risk of being hit by another golfer’s ball, or where your ball may hit someone else on the course, especially on those holes where the landing area is not clearly visible from the tee and areas where parallel fairways are played in opposing directions.

Particular care should be taken at the following holes:

1st Hole – Wait until all the players in the game in front are visible on the upslope towards the green and then decide if they are out of range before teeing off.

2nd Hole – This hole is a dog leg left and if attempting to cut off the corner make sure it is safe to do so before teeing off. Be aware of players on the 9th hole directly ahead when teeing off if you hit a long shot.

7th Tee whilst players are on the 4th Hole on the right hand side.

15th Hole is a dog leg left. When playing the 15th, make sure that the bell (which is on the right hand side after the 150 yard marker) is clearly rung when you pass it. When on the tee, please drive off only when the bell has been rung by the game in front to signify that it is safe to tee off.

If a shot is heading in the direction of other people, you must shout “FORE!” in a loud voice to alert them of possible danger. If “FORE!” is heard when playing, please take evasive action if possible.

Course Signage: Must be observed at all times. Ropes and stakes protecting areas of the course must not be removed or crossed over.

Greens Staff:  Please ensure that they are in a safe position before playing your stroke. Under no circumstances must a stroke be played towards a machine, which is within hitting range. The Greens Staff are regularly working on the course when golf is in progress. Please be careful and courteous to them and ensure that they are aware of and have acknowledged your presence prior to playing in their proximity.

Animal Holes: Stratford Oaks Golf Club endeavour to fill in holes created by animals. However it is inevitable that there will be holes made by burrowing animals that can lead to sprained ankles or worse. The Club cannot be held liable for any injury so caused and it is your responsibility to be observant and aware of possible danger. These holes are particularly prevalent on the 17th Hole fairway by the fairway bunkers where drainage lines are regularly burrowed by animals.

Buggies: Stratford Oaks Golf Club has 5 buggies available for hire. Apart from these, the use of personal motorised ride-on buggies is permitted by prior application to the Golf Operations Manager. All buggies must be operated in accordance with our Golf Buggy Operating Instructions (shown on the steering wheel). To help protect the grassland flora all buggies are to be kept out of the rough wherever it is practicable to do so and to protect the course, they should not be driven on to a green, the close mown rough around the green or between the green and any greenside bunker. To protect the fairway, they should not, so far as possible, be driven down the centre of a fairway.

  • The decision regarding the use of buggies will be taken by the Course Manager, and any suspension of their use, including electric and pull trolleys, will only be done if it is felt that the use of these will be detrimental to the condition of the course.
  • The use of buggies has to take into account the health and safety of the individual using the buggy and whether allowing buggies out would put that individual at risk
  • Use of personal motorised ride-on buggies will follow the same policy as for club owned buggies
  • The club offers a concessionary rate for buggy hire to those golfers who are permanently unable to play without using a buggy

Fertiliser and Insecticides: Do not lick golf balls or fingers at any time. A notice on the 1st Tee will advise of days that chemicals have been used on the course when particular care should be taken. Players are advised to take heed of the warnings and protect themselves.

Out of Bounds: You are strongly advised not to attempt to retrieve balls that are hit over any boundary fence or onto the driving range from the 17th Hole and the 18th Hole.

Steep Banks, Slopes & Paths: Stratford Oaks Golf Course does not have too many steep banks, slopes and paths but at all times players should take care when walking up or down these.  Golf shoes must be worn on the golf course as they help with avoiding slips. When using golf buggies adherence to the instructions detailed on the windscreens of the buggies is also essential in respect of minimising risks in this respect.

Ponds and Ditches: Players should only attempt to retrieve their own balls if it is safe and easy to do so. Buggies and trolleys should be kept well away from the edges of ditches and ponds.

Steps & Bridges: There are astro-turfed wooden sleeper steps to the outside mats on the driving range. There are also brick steps around the clubhouse and changing room entrances. You are advised to use all steps on the course and around the clubhouse and changing room entrances with caution, particularly in wet or icy conditions. Also bridges on the course should be used with caution at all times.

Wildlife: Players should be aware that there is a potential threat from wildlife such as crows, wasps, bees and other biting insects on the course. Adders are also present on the golf course, and urgent medical attention should be sought if you suffer a venomous bite.


Whilst the course may remain open we would like to remind players that weather is changeable and you have a duty of care to protect yourself. When the course is open the decision whether to play is the sole responsibility of the player. This applies especially to weather conditions such as thunder and lightning, poor visibility and extremes of temperature. During inclement weather or condition, the fact that the course has not been officially closed does not warrant that it is fit for play. Therefore, members, guests and visitors should themselves determine whether they consider it safe to play.


The club has a duty of care to all users of the course and as such has a clear policy regarding the discontinuation of play due to lack of visibility. This will be typically due to either fog or darkness.

  • The decision regarding play when visibility is poor, first and foremost, lies with the individual golfer, as they are putting others at risk
  • Wherever a golfer is on the course, they must assess whether they can see the clear distance of their intended shot; whether it is safe to play. If the clear distance of their intended shot cannot be seen, the player must not play
  • Do remember that fog cover can be patchy and may even worsen when play is in progress and it is the golfers responsibility to play safely
  • Golfers may wait to see if conditions improve. If visibility does not improve, golfers must cancel their round, and if applicable, their participation in a competition, citing dangerous playing conditions as the reason
  • If you are in any doubt about the conditions and your safety, you should discontinue play and return to the clubhouse


It is the player’s own responsibility to discontinue play when, in his/her opinion, a danger from lightning exists. In this case play should be discontinued and possibly resumed, if practicable, once it has passed. Stratford Oaks Golf Club does not have a lightening warning system.

The following advice is designed to be of help and assistance and is given by the English Golf Union who are not liable for any damage or injury caused by the following of this advice.

In the event that a player is out on the golf course when lightning is about then the following safety actions are advised:

  • Keep as low as possible and ideally crouch down in the nearest bunker/hollow
  • Leave your golf equipment where it is and stand away from it
  • Do not use a mobile phone and make sure it is switched off
  • Do not put up an umbrella in any circumstances
  • Do not shelter under trees or on any high ground


  • If the shutter is down on the ball dispensing machine the range is closed and must not be used until opened by a member of staff
  • Users of the range must be alert to the actions of themselves and other users that may cause danger to themselves and others around them
  • The bays are for use by one person only. When in use by another do not enter the bay
  • Under no circumstances may any user go forward of the red line. Any user found retrieving golf balls from in front of the red line will be banned from future use of the range and may be prosecuted
  • Any golf equipment that may need retrieving from beyond the red line must be done by a member of staff
  • Children under the age of 12 years must be supervised by an adult
  • Please act responsibly at all times to ensure safety on the driving range

Updated March 2022